A group of students from the Accounting Department (College of Economics and Administrative
Sciences/Yarmouk University) participated in a workshop organized and supervised by the
KPMG. The regional manager of the Institute of Management Accountants and the regional
manager of Wiley Company were also attending the workshop. The theme of workshop was
about the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and CMA (Certified Management Accountant)
certificates. A ceremony attended by a large number of students from various Jordanian public
and private universities was later arranged at the end of which awards were presented (through
drawing names) to the participating students. Students awarded were Amani Al-Ta’ani (awarded
a fully paid training session on CPA offered from KPMG Academy), and Malik Forah and Isra’a
Amayrah (offered all books required for sitting the CPA and CMA examinations). Students were
accompanied by Dr Khaldoon Al-Daoud (head of the Accounting Department at Yarmouk
University). Dr Al-Dawood reiterated the declared policy of the Accounting Department in the
continuous support for the development of students’ capabilities and skills in various accounting
aspects. Prof Dr Mona Al-Mwalla (Dean of the College of Economics and Administrative
Science) expressed her satisfaction about the enthusiastic participation by the accounting
students in all events including those related to pure scientific and training skills, and reassured
that it is the responsibility of the deanship in developing various required skills and capabilities
that allow easy access to the labour market after graduation.

In 1981 Yarmouk University established a unique college under the title of “Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences”, with the objective of meeting stakeholders needs and contributing to the national business, organizational and management arena.